Africa’s Counting on You to Visit Her
Image Credit: Royal Chundu - Zambia

BLOG Africa’s Counting on You to Visit Her

Africa’s Counting on You to Visit Her

There are already so many reasons to plan a trip to Africa, but the pandemic’s brought about one more.

Without the much-needed funds provided by tourists from afar, the African conservation’s suffering blow after blow from poachers, disease, and poverty.

Conservation Fees

Across the African continent, conservation initiatives rely on conservation fees from travelers to fund their important initiatives. These include security measures, poaching control measures, and important preventive measures against disease control.

Now, thanks to the dearth of tourism activities these funds are drying up, placing priceless endangered species at even greater risk.

Poaching at an All-Time High

It costs a fortune to keep anti-poaching measures going. Funds from conservation fees contribute towards keeping helicopters in the sky and K-9 patrols on the ground.

They pay the salaries for game guards, and they contribute toward de-horning rhinos.

Conservation fees also pay for the veterinary fees associated with saving the few animals that survive an attempt on their life and help with tracking vulnerable animals to keep them safe. What’s more, now that safari vehicles aren’t out and about as much, providing invaluable extra sets of eyes out in the field, poachers are becoming more brazen.

Local Communities

In areas close to game reserves and national parks, local communities rely almost entirely on safari tourism to feed their families.

It’s believed that one salary from tourism supports as many as ten individuals in these small villages.

Apart from ever-increasing unemployment, game guides, camp staff, and trackers are also going without the tips from grateful visitors that formed a vital supplement to their basic income.

What Can You Do to Support African Travel?

There are several ways you can help ensure that you can still enjoy an African safari on your next visit. The most obvious step is to donate directly to conservation organizations to help fund their activities.

More importantly, you can start making plans for future African travel right now. Conservation fees amount to only 1% of your total costs, but they go a long way towards ensuring the future of your African safaris.

Get in touch to book your safari vacation and make a difference in Africa today.


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